Host an Event
Interesting in hosting a monthly mixer? Our monthly mixer hosting opportunities fill up quickly for the year so do not hesitate to reach out to us regarding availability! Co-hosting a mixer is also a great way to collaborate and connect with another member as co-hosts even if your business does not have a dedicated physical location.
Mixers are held the first and third Thursday between 5:30 and 7:00 pm. No mixers are held in December.
Mixer Requirements - Business must provide the following:
Provide appetizers for 20-30. We will notify you if the attendee count is higher.
Provide beverages: beer, wine and something non-alcoholic. (If your business has restrictions then please notify the chamber.)
Provide raffle prize (ie: a gift card from your business)
The Chamber will promote the Mixer via email, social media, and our website.
Once details are finalized and event is approved and published the information can’t be changed. The only action available at that time is to cancel the event.
Ribbon Cutting
Opening a new business as a member of the East Sac Chamber of Commerce? We encourage you to host a Ribbon Cutting with us to help promote your new opening and drive commerce!
The Chamber will:
Promote the Ribbon Cutting on emails and social media that are sent/shared with all members.
Come to the Ribbon Cutting and provide the giant scissors and ribbon and some chamber members will attend.
The President or Vice President will speak briefly to introduce your business.
Present new members with their East Sacramento Chamber of Commerce membership plaque.
Take pictures that will be shared on our social media. Pictures will also be shared with you to utilize on your website.
Note: For both event types members of the Chamber Team will attend!